Deep Cleaning Versus Regular Cleaning The House Or The Office

We spend most of our time in our house or our workplace. Therefore, they must be at a certain level of cleanliness to not impact our health negatively. A clean house and office are healthy environments to be in. However, knowing why we do regular cleaning and when to do a deep clean is essential to maintaining a healthy environment.

Regular cleaning should be done often and is the best way to maintain the space you are in. Deep cleaning gets rid of the grime and dust that settles into things like thick carpets, the grout between tiles, and back corners we don’t always look at.

Before moving into a new house or office you should always do a deep clean. Mold and dust mites can impact seriously your health if they go untreated. Moving into a deep cleaned home or office removes all traces of previous owners and pets.

Regular cleaning involves wiping down surfaces, sweeping and mopping the floors, and cleaning the bathroom. This is enough to maintain the general cleanliness of the house or office.

Deep cleaning needs to be done once to twice a year depending on how often regular cleaning happens. Deep cleaning involves getting to the places that are overlooked during regular cleanings such as the tops of doors, baseboards, internal and external windows, window frames, and light fixtures. Curtains and blinds are washed properly as are rugs and carpets.

Deep cleans descale tiles, taps, and shower/ bath heads of any soap scum or water scale in the bathroom and kitchen. They get rid of grime that builds up in ovens, in the refrigerator, and behind heavy appliances.

A good idea is to do a deep clean at the end of winter/beginning of spring before you put fans on to stir up old dust and again at the end of summer/ beginning of autumn before you close all the windows and doors to keep the warmth in.