What Does a Covid Deep Clean Entail?

Coronavirus, Covid-19, SARS-Cov-2 – a year ago none of us had heard of such a virus. Since the virus hit the world at the end of 2019, early 2020, the top priority for all of us was to stop the spread of Covid and flatten the curve.

How easy is it to kill the Coronavirus and what steps can be taken to do this?

Cleaning for the Coronavirus is not much different from disinfecting other viruses, such as the flu. We do know, that Covid is extremely sensitive to all cleaning detergents and disinfectants.

The key to killing these unwelcome viruses is excellent hygiene practices. The Coronavirus is spread mainly from person-to-person contact. But if an infected person were to sneeze or cough, the tiny droplets exhaled spread and stick to surface areas.

So, what does a deep clean entail?

The virus can survive for up to 4 hours on copper surfaces. It can last on cardboard and paper for 24 hours, and 3 days on plastic and stainless steel.

This is a good reason to deep clean homes and offices.

Please follow the steps below :

  1. Wash and wipe all surfaces with hot water and soap. It would be wise to regularly clean surfaces that are touched often. This includes doorknobs, light switches, taps, tables, handles, doors, desks and cell phones.
  1. All surfaces must then be disinfected. A bleach-water mix could be used, but there are also specific disinfectants that can be used Covid. For example, ULV disinfection fogging has been extremely useful in preventing the spread of Covid in offices, and even homes.

How Will A Deep Clean For Covid Be Conducted?

If there have been reported cases of infected persons in a work environment, companies that offer deep cleaning services are ready for the task. Workers will wear hazmat suits, two pairs of gloves, booties, and a face shield or surgical mask.

With the use of a fogger that mists disinfectant, they can disinfect all hard to reach areas.

Don’t Panic!

If you are concerned about Covid, there is no need to panic. Health experts suggest that it is enough to frequently clean surfaces with soap, alcohol of at least 70%, or bleach products.

But if you would prefer a deeper clean, call us today, and let’s create a safe home and work environment.